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Chinese translation for "amber rainstorm warning"


Related Translations:
blood amber:  血珀
osseous amber:  骨琥珀
brandy amber:  棕黄色
amber layer:  琥珀层
rose amber:  感炫彩唇膏
amber lamp:  黄色信号灯琥珀色信号灯
amber flavor:  琥珀情味
light amber:  浅琥珀色
fatty amber:  油脂状琥珀
Example Sentences:
1.Amber rainstorm warning signal
2.Iwhen the amber rainstorm warning is on , listen to radio and tv announcements about weather and road conditions
3.Iwhen the amber rainstorm warning is on , listen to radio and tv announcements about weather and road conditions
4.The amber rainstorm warning signal gives alert about potential heavy rain that may develop into red or black rainstorm warning signal situations
5.The amber rainstorm warning signal gives alert about potential heavy rain that may develop into red or black rainstorm warning signal situations
6.The amber rainstorm warning signal was in force between 5 . 00 p . m . and 6 . 50 p . m . on 16 july , and between 2 . 20 a . m and 3 . 30 a . m . on 17 july
7.The amber rainstorm warning was issued at 8 . 45am and was upgraded to red at 2 . 35pm . the warnings were dropped at 10pm
8.The amber rainstorm warning signal was in force between 11 . 40 a . m . and 1 . 15 p . m . on 13 august , and between 8 . 45 p . m that night and 0 . 20 a . m . the next day
9.An area of active thunderstorms affected hong kong in the evening of april 8 and the thunderstorm warning and the amber rainstorm warning were issued for the first time of the year
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